Monday, August 30, 2010

How to kill the seasonal spirit

I went to Sam’s Club today and what do you suppose I saw? Christmas decorations! It’s only the end of August! Since stores have been complaining about the decline of seasonal sales I wonder when they figure the season starts. I realize that they think that if the sales are down, just start selling the stuff sooner and sooner. But August? Now really!

Retailers have been complaining for years and years about the decline of spending during holiday seasons; well, no wonder! Now, the next sentence is going to make me sound old but here goes anyway. When I was growing up, we didn’t see Halloween decorations until the beginning to mid-October. Thanksgiving décor came out the day after Halloween. We NEVER saw Christmas ‘anything’ until the day after Thanksgiving which was the starting whistle to the beginning the season’s shopping sales and sprees. Now by the time Thanksgiving is over, we’re blasé and tired of the holidays and who really needs to see more of the holiday season at that point.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Think about it

Life is wondrous. I know you’ve heard that before in some variation. I see, feel, taste, hear, and smell the world. I don’t remember anything before I came into existence. When I die, I will return to that form. That’s what make this all so magical. I feel like a god. It’s because of this feeling of omniscience that I carry on today as though it will last forever.

Pet peeves creep into my world. Friends share this: school administrators check teacher’s room closets, Texas Education board blanks out words like capitalism from its history books, someone cuts us off in traffic, someone doesn’t arrive on time or do what we expect them to do, etc. We all get so wrapped up in this day-to-day life we forget about its end.

Sure we hear of people dying. But think of it. The bird that woke up cheerfully one day only to fly too low and gets hit by a truck had no idea that that day would be its last. None of us do. So take this moment and reflect. Look at those people and things around you. See, feel, taste, hear, and smell the world appreciate this moment and the moments that you have each day. Life is short. The longer you live the shorter it gets. Be thankful for each moment.

This has been said since mankind has begun to think about his/her existence. It takes something profound and near to rekindled this self reflection.

Dedicated to a friend whose life clock is running down.