Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Heat sizzles on the pavement.

Two weeks into retirement (or what used to be the beginning of our summer vacation) have resulted in one week of relaxation and one week of a more traditional vacation: short travel via car, visiting friends, and camping. This year is sooooo different. After ten years of traveling (touring) via tandem (see our website we are doing things differently this year. The stimulus of the change were two cross-country cyclists who stayed with us in March. In March! Touring during non-heatstroke months made us inquisitive. Could we quit and live on Charley's retirement? So many people worry about money and the worry prevents them from exploring possibilities. If we didn't try, we wouldn't know. How much time do we have left in this world anyway?

We inquired, doors opened, and opened, and opened. No hitches. No wrinkles. Smooth sailing. Read the signs. The signs were green. Money will be tight, but we've been poor before. We have mostly everything now. Wish us luck.

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