Sunday, July 27, 2008

Story One: The Girl (5) Where am I?

The man was standing right outside the door. He had his hand extended in an invitation and a smile stretched out across his face. Once seen as an adversary, this man was now a friend? She looked beyond the man and could not believe her eyes or her ears: the street no longer existed and city sounds disappeared, replaced by rolling, grass-filled hills and the sounds of happy, singing birds. A panic welled up inside her chest. She looked back and the warehouse was GONE, replaced by the countryside scene. What happened?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Story One: The Girl (4)

At the end of a row of boxes to her left, she could see a faint line of light. It must be a door. She wanted to leave, needed to get out of here, but didn't want to leave the way she came in. She knew that the crowd of the street, however disinterested they were in her, offered more protection. This place was a trap. She felt her way past the boxes. It was a door. She put her ear to hear the outside world. People were walking past, cars manuevering around the corners. Her hand was on the knob, she took a deep breath and . . .